A small experience to aid in visualizing the capabilities and features of the CSS Carousel work.
<ul class="carousel">
.carousel {
overflow: auto;
scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
anchor-name: --carousel;
columns: 1;
block-size: 25cqi;
text-align: center;
&::column {
scroll-snap-align: center;
/* Dot Navigation */
scroll-marker-group: after;
&::column::scroll-marker {
content: ' ';
&:target-current {
background: var(--accent);
/* Scroll Buttons */
&::scroll-button(left) {
position: fixed;
position-anchor: --carousel;
&::scroll-button(right) {
--_inner: center span-inline-start;
--_outer: inline-end center;
position-area: var(--_outer);
content: 'arrow_forward' / 'Next';
&::scroll-button(left) {
--_inner: center span-inline-end;
--_outer: inline-start center;
position-area: var(--_outer);
content: 'arrow_back' / 'Previous';